Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Google reports China-based attack, says pullout possible

Google, the world's largest search engine, has reported that they may have to shut down their corporation in China. Google, along with 20 other companies, have been targeted in a highly planned out attack to try and gain access to email accounts of some human rights activists of the U.S. Europe and China. David Drummond, senior vice president of corporate development and chief legal officer for Google, reported that they do not believe that attackers achieved that goal. In China, due to law, Google has to censor their searches. With the added attacks Google no longer wants to put up with China. As a result, Google may have to shut down their offices in China. As of right now, Google is negotiating with the Chinese government to see if they can lift the censorship of their searches while still abiding to the law. If that is not possible, Google will remove itself from China.

It seems like people are finding more and more ways to access other's email, facebook, or any online account and I think it is slightly terrifying. There is so many ways someone could manipulate another by getting ahold of information in accounts like that. I think that people have to be more careful with passwords, online shopping and the information they put online because I don't think people realize how accessible to others it is. Reading this will make me think twice about putting information on the internet from now on.


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