Thursday, January 14, 2010

Communication breakdown increases heartache of Haiti quake

Communication lines are still down in Haiti. People who have loved ones who were there at the time of the earthquake are becoming more worried fromt he lack in response or contact from their family members and friends. Very few phone calls are going through but some people are able to text or use the internet to get a hold of the outside world. Many people waiting for contact have used the CNN iReport Web to post a blog of pictures and information of their missing loved ones. Johanna Neyra is searching for his cousin and wife. Naeemah Carre is trying to locate her brother and six other relatives. Marie Aline Sillice has not yet heard from her father or cousin who were in Haiti the time of the quake. Chico and Kathleen Boyer are anxiously waiting for contact from their daughter who moved to Haiti two weeks ago. These are just a miniscule portion of the thousands of peope waiting to hear the fate of the people they love who fell to the earthquake. Nothing can give them their answer but time.

This would be such a devastating thing to experiance. I think about how freaked out my parents get when they think about me going to college and not knowing where I am all the time. I can't imagine how they would feel if I was in a different country and they didn't know whether i was dead or alive. The days must just drag on for these people as they sit and anxiously wait, praying that their family member or friend is alive! What cruel punishment time can be sometimes. I think that the best option for communication is going to be through TV cameras reporting from down there. Someone should start keeping track of the people who are alive and post the name list on a blog so that people are able to view it here. I just hope that people keep in mind that American's aren't the only ones who've been devasted by the earthquake. The people of Haiti have just experianced the loss of their homeland and they are going to need all the help they can get to clean it up and repair their country.

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