Thursday, November 5, 2009

Missing baby was locked in chest for 12 hours

A mother reported a baby missing early Sunday morning. The baby was just found in a chest under her aunt's bed and she was reported to be in there for at least 12 hours. Both the aunt and the mother are being initially charged for this act. There isn't much information yet, futher details will be released once some things are cleared up. The incident happened near Chipley in Florida's panhandle near Alabama. The baby was recovered alive and is doing fine.

This baby was completely helpless. I'm not sure if the mother and aunt were trying to pull a publicity stunt or what, but things like this just aren't acceptable. Sometimes I think that people should have to have a license to have childrent. Children such as this little girl don't have a say in what happens to them and it isn't right for things like this to happen. Luckily the baby is alive and well.

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