Wednesday, November 4, 2009

U.S. serviceman dies in shooting at Mexican strip club

Early this morning, there was a shooting in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico in a strip club. Over 2000 murders have already been reported there this year. Six men were fatally wounded in this morning's shooting and another was injured. Two of the victims were identified as employees of the strip club and another was identified as U.S. citizen David Booher. Booher was stationed at Holloman Air Force base near Alamogordo, New Mexico. He was 26 years old. Booher was at the strip club even though these particular drug and violence related "border cities" are supposed to be off limits to U.S. military. Apparently all evidence leads to the gunman targeting his victims. These deaths were planned.

First of all, what was Booher doing at this strip club? That city is supposed to be off limits for U.S. military. Second of all, it makes me wonder what a member of the U.S. Airforce could have gotten caughten up in with the wrong people from Chihuhana. I think he slightly disgraced America. When news stories like this surface it only further proves that the military, along with our government has its flaws, which aren't very appealing to the public. Border patrol is a huge issue not only amoung politicians but citizens, and a U.S. Airforce member who is breaking the rules by entering a forbidden city, let alone going to a strip club, doesn't set a very good example of the improvements of border patrol for the citizens of America.

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